Having a great foamy hand soap by the sink in your kitchen and bathroom is a necessity. It’s hard to find soaps without loads of harsh fragrances and chemicals. This simple recipe for foamy hand soap will give you the cleaning action you need without the extra ingredients that you don’t. You can control the smell by adding your favorite essential oils, which makes them completely customizable. I reuse old soap bottles/containers but you can go all out with the bottles you choose. Just make sure it’s a foaming pump attachment and you’re good to go. I like to use Dr. Bronner‘s Soaps as my base. These soaps come in a large container and can be used as the base for many soap recipes. By buying one large bottle you can turn that into many, many bottles of hand soaps, dish soaps, shampoos, and body wash. It’s economical, safe, and easy. Lets get to the recipe.
* 1/8c of Dr. Bronner’s Unscented Castile Soap
* 15 drops of essential oil
* water to fill container

Pour castile soap to foaming soap container. Add essential oils of your choice. Fill the rest of container with water. Add your pump to the container. Shake and then pump into hands.
Check out my YouTube video below and watch how I make it!